Apply For A 20 Minute Physical Therapy “Total Body Diagnostic” (To Learn Exactly What's Going On & See Exactly How We Can Help You...)

We are able to offer a no-obligation Physical Therapy “Total Body Diagnostic” which is perfect for people suffering with ANY type of PAIN, Injury or Stiffness who could ENJOY life much more WITHOUT it. You’ll leave your Total Body Diagnostic knowing exactly WHAT’S GOING WRONG and it’s perfect for anyone who would like to be SHOWN how Specialist Physical Therapy works before UPGRADING to all the extra benefits included in a full consultation.

The "Total Body Diagnostic" is a 20 min appointment with a licensed Physical Therapy specialist and designed to assess your current pain, injury and issues and explain how we can help you through a future plan of care. This session does NOT include a treatment for your condition. IF you currently ARE in a LOT of pain, please upgrade to a full consultation immediately. The time to finally figure out what can be done to help you is NOW. For obvious reasons the “Total Body Diagnostic” sessions are limited and scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. To secure yours before they are all reserved, please just fill out this quick & easy form NOW. Now let's get some information about you 1st. The more we know about you, the better we can help you...
Primary Reason for Wanting to Speak With a Specialist
How Long Have You Struggled with This Problem?*

So that we can arrange this Discovery Visit for you, please tell us how we can contact you: